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Enhances your data center security.

Mastering Digital Certificates.

Maintain overview,
minimise risks.

Security at the push of a button.

Compliance guaranteed.

Simple and smart.

Your certificate management tool

Your company's and your customers' data are valuable. Users demand data security and transparency. Lapses in data security are very costly in terms of both money and your company's reputation. It is therefore of paramount importance to protect sensitive information, data and data streams. Digital certificates (e.g. SSL/TLS certificates) guarantee the requisite informational security and thereby ensure confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity for your company. Experience has shown that the number of security certificates required and the associated administrative effort is very high. This poses a particular challenge for IT.

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To keep the challenges of everyday certificate management under control, we have developed essendi xc and essendi CaaS (Certificates as a Service) – which are simple and smart.

essendi xc is our central certificate management tool. It simplifies, automates, and optimizes your certificate management system. The software supports you throughout the entire process including certificate applications, extensions, and installations, and helps you maintain an overview of your certificates and their validity. Thanks to multiple CA abilities, interfaces to current HSM makers, and individual expansion capacities, this solution can be adapted specifically to your individual needs and infrastructure.

Frau kalkuliert mit Taschenrechner

Certificates: simplify processes, reduce costs

Whenever information is exchanged via the internet or internal company networks, digital certificates play an important role. But certificates and private keys also have to be managed professionally.
Certificate management tools support you in this task.
Automated tools even relieve your employees of various procedures, so that valuable working time is freed up for other tasks. There is also no need to build up profound knowledge on the subject of certificate management. This means that individual steps can be taken over decentrally as needed in self-service. This relieves the IT security department. Finally, it prevents the unplanned expiry of certificates. This means that system failures or even production process downtimes can no longer occur. All of this saves additional costs.

essendi xc features

essendi xc offers centralized features that make it even easier to manage your certificates.


As a platform, essendi xc integrates easily into existing infrastructure and connects to available systems. essendi xc comes with connectivity for the HSMs (hardware security modules) of common manufacturers, to meet the strict security needs of your key material. Importing made easy: you can use the network scan function to find all available certificates in your company automatically and import them into the certificate repository. For complex data centre infrastructures, custom scanning functions are available. essendi xc is installed locally on your system. This gives you total control over your key material and certificates. essendi xc offers smart solutions for distributing certificates to local and (remote) target systems: we support ACME, email, SCP, SSH, SCEP and PowerShell remoting and distribution using our xc agents. essendi xc gives you an overview of all your certificates. It features multi-CA functionality and supports all X.509 certificate types. One tool. All certificates. Simply smart.


essendi xc is a comprehensive management system for all X.509 certificate types (CKMS). This way, your IT department gains an overview of all SSL and TLS certificates used throughout the company and can apply prompt changes as needed.


essendi xc supports risk management with monitoring and reporting. The centralized dashboard offers you a clear overview of your certificates at all times. The backbone of essendi xc is a company-wide certificate repository, providing transparency and a variety of evaluation and control functions. Importing made easy: you can use the network scan function to find all available certificates in your company automatically and import them into the certificate repository. The repository’s built-in monitoring and alert function means no more worrying about expiring certificates.


essendi xc helps your organization handle certificates and keys. You can use templates and policies to ensure compliance with application requirements and house rules. These support your applicants and prevent certificate errors. Role-based access and authorizations ensure that users can only view and edit certificates for which they are authorized. Connectivity for your centralized user directory (LDAP/AD) enables easy integration of available users and authorization structures into the system. Your sales associate and the support team will be happy to advise you in English or German.

Renew and manage certificates

As a certificate management tool, essendi xc is your central process hub. It covers the entire lifecycle of your certificates (certificate lifecycle). In one system, you can have your digital certificates issued by the certification authority CA, distribute them to target systems and renew them.
A self-service portal can be used to simplify and decentralize these processes. essendi xc automatically informs you of expiring certificates. Their renewal can also be automated and the overview centralised in the dashboard.

gruene ampel auf der wall street

Digital Certificates:
Compliance & audit

Compliance in certificate management serves to protect the transmitted information. Cryptographic keys and certificates must meet many requirements.
The framework for this is provided, for example, by security standards likeISO/IEC 27001, BSI Grundschutz (Basic Protection Standard issued by the German Federal Office for Information Security) or NIST. Your CPS (Certification Practice Statement) defines the corresponding corporate compliance requirements. The CA/Browser Forum, ETSI or ZertES also define requirements that have an impact on corporate processes.
essendi xc is compliance-compliant. Its application forms make corporate compliance very simple: according to defined authorisations, groups apply for their certificates at specific CAs.
In addition, essendi xc creates a concept for the application of keys, documents their life cycle and the procedures used. In the event of an audit, you can provide audit-proof evidence of your procedure at any time.

Frau steht vor Plakat und entwickelt Strategie

Certificate management 4.0

The validity period of certificates is constantly becoming shorter. At the same time, the system environments in which they are used are becoming increasingly complex. Certificates that expire unexpectedly lead to operational disruptions. They can have legal consequences and cause lasting damage to your company's image.
To meet these challenges, we have developed a special certificate management software - the essendi xc certificate manager and its components. essendi xc simplifies, automates and optimizes certificate management. It also allows you to manage all digital certificates in your whole company.

Certificate management 4.0
Hand hält goldenen Schlüssel

essendi xc as a PKI tool

A Public Key Infrastructure PKI is used to verify identity and encrypt data. essendi xc increases the security of your systems in combination with an optimally set up PKI. At the same time, it supports PKI automation. You can set up the PKI yourself. Of course, private CAs such as the Microsoft Public Key Infrastructure can also be used.
But it is also possible to connect to an MPKI (Managed Public Key Infrastructure). One service provider, for example, is SwissSign.
As a certificate management tool, essendi xc can automatically request, renew and revoke digital certificates via the PKI. Depending on the settings, it installs the certificates in the target systems. Manual control of the PKI is no longer necessary.

Mann arbeitet am Computer

Custom solutions

You can customise our certificate platform essendi xc to meet your specific requirements. Specialised solutions for the management of digital identities in the IoT and Industry 4.0 sectors can also be mapped. We work out the best possible solution for you using agile development methods.
We develop our software to meet your needs. We take into account trends and market requirements as well as your individual requirements profile. Our team of experts ensures transparency and always keeps you up to date.
We offer you maintenance and support services as well as a flexible training programme. This enables us to guarantee the performance of your software throughout its entire life cycle.

Pinkfarbene digitale Darstellung eines Schlüssels mit QBit-Ringen

Secure with Post-Quantum Cryptography

In today's digital world, data security is critical. Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is a rapidly growing field that develops cryptographic algorithms that are resistant to quantum computing attacks. With the rapid development of quantum computing technology, PQC is becoming increasingly important to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information in the future. We help organizations prepare for these new challenges and future-proof their IT infrastructure.

Lichtspiel vor modernem Gebäude bei Nacht

Ready for tomorrow's technologies

Newly developed technologies and the rising role of the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) in connection with digitalization will further increase the importance of data security and the need for practical solutions. Smart certificate management will prepare you for this field. Be ready for tomorrow's technologies.

Kollegen schauen zusammen Reports an

Advice and budget

Do you have a specific IT requirement and need advice and a cost analysis for your project plan? If so, we will be happy to help you plan and budget your project. The price of essendi xc depends on the number of certificates managed and the modules and satellite systems used. We would be pleased to give you a detailed insight into our product family. You can order custom modifications and expansion projects. Finally, our service portfolio would not be complete without a flexible consulting and training package.


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    We bring information on the point Our whitepapers give you an overview of our services, possible applications and make complex processes transparent. Download your free PDF file here.

    essendi it Standort

    essendi it

    This is information technology: essendi it offers IT consulting, professional software testing, custom software development and IT security solutions – all under one roof.
    We have over 70 employees at our Schwäbisch Hall and Munich locations. They all have excellent specialist knowledge and work on an interdisciplinary basis. This means we can always offer you the best solution for your requirements.
    This is our top priority. Customer orientation, innovation and satisfaction are the values that define our attitude and entrepreneurial actions.


    Potential for more: partnerships

    We firmly believe that we’re at our best when we can concentrate on our core competencies. That’s why we view partnerships as a sensible and logical expansion of our portfolio.

    Are you interested in a business partnership or in integrating your solution with essendi xc? If so, please contact us.

    News / Magazine

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    The mapping of business processes in essendi xc is one of the main concepts of the application. It includes a range of features and mechanisms which offer great flexibility in the design of processes. You can, for example, incorporate audit processes if required. Moreover, with its build in standard interfaces, essendi xc can be integrated into an established tool landscape. Customers can thus access the tools which are already standard within the company (such as ServiceNow) if required. In this way, existing processes are complemented and value is added for the customer.

    essendi xc is multi-CA capable and communicates with external CAs as well as with internal PKIs. In addition to CAs such as SwissSign, digicert, QuoVadis and Microsoft, further CAs can be connected via CMC and CMP according to customer requirements.

    Yes, currently Active Directories (ADs/LDAP) can be connected. With Release 1.19 it will also be possible to use Identity Providers (IDP) and thus implement multi-AD/IDP connections.

    essendi xc offers its own safe in which keys are generated. For increased security, HSMs from a wide range of manufacturers can be connected as required. We recommend that keys are always created where they are needed. The essendi xc agents, for example, support this practice.

    Yes, essendi xc offers a variety of interfaces. Via these integrated web interfaces, and additionally using plug-in systems and adapters, certificates can be applied for and downloaded automatically.

    essendi xc offers different options for certificate distribution, agent-based and agentless, depending on the use case. These include the popular ACME and SCEP protocols. We will be happy to advise you on the most sensible method for your application.

    Yes, essendi xc offers a flexible mapping of responsibilities. Depending on the role, a user can perform various actions within essendi xc and on the certificate. The mapping of team structures (incl. scoped views) is also possible. In addition, there are control mechanisms regarding the types of certificates that a user may apply for.

    In principle, RSA, DSA and ECC are supported. However, whether a certain key type can be used ultimately depends on the certification authority (CA), which must support the key type.

    Digital certificates represent highly sensitive data for companies. That is why essendi xc is offered as an onsite solution for our customers and hosted in the infrastructure of their own company. In addition, there is the option of cloud solutions. Please contact us separately about these options.

    essendi xc provides an overview of the complete certificate inventory and thus ensures transparency. In addition, essendi xc supports all processes / functions in the course of the life cycle of a certificate (issuing, renewal, revocation, archiving, end-of-life).

    A significant benefit of essendi xc is that it allows the certificate processes to be automated. Depending on the defined degree of automation, the certificate handling can be performed completely via essendi xc (full automation). In addition, scenarios with partial automation are possible.

    In certain cases, manual interventions and executions are necessary and useful. In these cases, essendi xc supports applicants and administrators and guides them intuitively through the process.

    No matter how you want to organise your certificate management: essendi xc supports you and facilitates the application and distribution of certificates. This saves valuable time for other tasks.

    Certificate management refers to the handling of all digital certificates in an organisation. It includes the identification, validation, monitoring and management of all certificates. Effective certificate management helps to maintain the security and integrity of the entire IT infrastructure. Certificate management should therefore be an integral part of an organisation's security strategy.

    In addition, digital certificates are often subject to a company-wide Certificate Policy Statement (CPS) with set requirements for the keys and key sizes to be used. Ensuring that these requirements are met is also part of certificate management.

    With increasing digitalisation, the purposes and numbers of digital certificates are also rising. Keeping track of which certificates are used where, that certificates are not issued twice, which certification authorities (internal and / or external) may be used according to in-house specifications and contracts, and which manufacturer certificates / third-party certificates are available in one's own network, is another component of certificate management.

    Another facet can be the central orchestration of the various components and systems involved in issuing and distributing digital certificates: internal PKIs as well as external CAs, existing hardware security modules and key vaults are only a few examples.